Wednesday, 10 January 2024 09:37

Press Release – Approval of the acquisition of sole control by PROFARM over PHARMA GROUP MESSINIAS, PHARMA GROUP ACHAIAS, PHARMA GROUP ARGOLIDAS

Subject: Approval of the acquisition of sole control by the company under the name “PROFARM SA’’ over the companies “PHARMA GROUP MESSINIAS S.A.’’, ‘’PHARMA GROUP ACHAIAS S.A.’’, ‘’PHARMA GROUP ARGOLIDAS S.A.’’.

The Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) in Section, on January 5th, 2024, by its Decision 839/2024, unanimously approved the notified concentration, which concerns the acquisition of sole control by the company under the name “PROFARM SA’’ over the companies “PHARMA GROUP MESSINIAS S.A.’’, ‘’PHARMA GROUP ACHAIAS S.A.’’, ‘’PHARMA GROUP ARGOLIDAS S.A.’’, within the meaning of article 5(2)(b) of Law 3959/2011.

PROFARM SA and the target companies are pharmaceutical wholesalers that are active in the Greek territory in wholesale, distribution, exports of drugs and pharmaceutical products, pharmaceutical substances and parapharmaceutical products, medical products of general use, cosmetics, dietary products, baby foodstuff and milk, sanitary items for babies, pregnant women and women who have recently given birth, toiletries, orthopedics, medical tools, equipment and aids.

The HCC decided that the competition conditions will not change as a result of the transaction under consideration, neither horizontally nor vertically. The concentration under consideration is not expected to change the structure of the relevant markets and therefore will not affect the level of competition or limit competition in these markets.

In view of the above, the HCC in Section unanimously approved, under article 8(3) of Law 3959/2011, the notified concentration since, although falling within the scope of article 6(1) of Law 3959/2011, it does not raise serious concerns as to its compatibility with competition rules in the markets concerned.


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