Displaying items by tag: MACEDONIA IV SHIPPING COMPANY

Subject: HCC no. 793/2022 Decision on the ex officio investigation of the General Directorate of Competition in the ferry connection Igoumenitsa - Lefkimmi in accordance with article 29A of Law 3959/2011 and HCC Decision No. 704/2020.

Published in Press Releases
Monday, 25 July 2022

Decision 793/2022

Decision adopted in the context of the simplified Settlement Procedure under Article 29Aof Law 3959/2011, based on the relevant Statement of Objections under ref. no.6663/8.7.2022 by the case Rapporteur Ioannis Stefatosand HCC Decision no. 704/2020 on the ex officio investigation of the Directorate General for Competition in the ferry connection Igoumenitsa - Lefkimmifor possible infringement of article 1 of the Greek Competition Act, as in force, and article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU),followingthe settlement submissions by the companiesi) "LEFKIMMI LINES SHIPPING COMPANY", (ii) "MACEDONIA IV SHIPPING COMPANY" (hereinafter referred to as "MACEDONIA IV” and iii) "SARRIS KERKYRAIKES GRAMMES SHIPPING COMPANY"(hereinafter referred to as"SARRIS”, and all three companies jointly referred to as the “Companies”)

Published in 2022


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