Subject: International workshop: “Overlapping Ownership & Competition”

Subject: International Digital Conference "The Promise of Computational Competition Law and Economics: issues, perspectives»

Competition Authorities worldwide are confronted with an increasingly complex economy and they more and more rely on the use of computational techniques (Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, machine learning/deep learning) in competition law enforcement.

Subject: Technical Report on Sustainability and Competition

Subject: International Conference entitled “Common ownership, interlocking directorates & competition: A Transatlantic Perspective”

Subject: Initiative "Competition Law and Sustainability" – Digital Conference


HCC's Initiative about Competition Law and Sustainability - Public Tele-Conference

Subject: HCC initiatives in relation to sustainable development in the context of effective competition

At a time when the phenomenon of climate change becomes more acute, the need to accelerate the transformation of the Greek economy becomes urgent, through the adoption of environmentally friendly actions for the benefit of consumers and citizens, but also as a means for enhancing the competitive advantage of businesses. The aim is to adapt the Greek business environment to the context of a prosperous green, without restrictions, economy by adopting green and technologically advanced solutions. After all, environmental protection in Greece is a constitutional obligation of the State as defined in Article 24 of the Greek Constitution.



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