Subject: HCC clears the acquisition by «BC Partners Management GR Limited» («BC Partners») of indirect sole control over Pet City Group
On December, 17th, 2021, the Chamber of the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC), by its decision 756/2021 unanimously approved, pursuant to Art. 8(3) of Greek Law 3959/2011, the proposed transaction notified on 01/11/2021, concerning the acquisition by BC Partners of indirect sole control over Pet City Group.
Pursuant to the above decision, the HCC found that the proposed concentration, which concerns the retail markets for pet food, the supply of pet accessories, the supply of pet health & care products, the supply of veterinary medicines and antibiotics, the provision of veterinary care services, and the sale of pets, does not raise any serious doubts as to its compatibility with the competition rules in the relevant markets concerned.