The President of the HCC, Mr. Ioannis Lianos, was elected as a regular member to the 2021 Bureau of the OECD Competition Committee. It is the first time that a Greek official is elected to this office, representing the Hellenic Competition Commission.
Following his election, Mr. Lianos stated: “The OECD Bureau plays an important coordinating role within the OECD Competition Committee, setting the agenda for the discussions of the most prominent international competition organisation. It is a great honor for me to be elected to this office by the OECD Bureau members and to work with outstanding colleagues from other OECD Member States. I envisage this role as involving not only my task to represent the Hellenic Competition Commission, which joins the Bureau for the first time, but also to promote a progressive agenda on competition law at a time of drastic changes, both socio-economic and technological, as well as environmental ".
The OECD Competition Committee Bureau 2021 is composed of the following members:
- Mr. Frédéric JENNY, Chairman
- Mrs. Sarah COURT (Australia)
- Mr. Matthew BOSWELL (Canada)
- Mr. Andrés BARRETO (Colombia)
- Mr. Olivier GUERSENT (European Union)
- Mr. Frédéric JENNY (France)
- Mr. Andreas MUNDT (Germany)
- Mr. Ioannis LIANOS (Greece)
- Mrs. Reiko AOKI (Japan)
- Mr. Hyungbae KIM (Korea)
- Mrs. Alejandra PALACIOS PRIETO (Mexico)
- Mr. Lars SØRGARD (Norway)
- Mrs. Margarida MATOS ROSA (Portugal)
- Mr. Andreas HEINEMANN (Switzerland)
- Mr. Andrea COSCELLI (United Kingdom)