Subject: Market Investigation in the Press Distribution Sector – HCC Second Interim Report
Subject: HCC clears the acquisition by GEK TERNA SA of sole control over HERON THERMOELECTRIC SA (HERON I) and HERON II VIOTIAS SA (HERON II) 
Subject: Dawn Raids of the Hellenic Competition Commission in the sectors of refining, wholesale and retail trade of petrol (gasoline) and diesel 
Subject: Antitrust: the ECA meeting ended, Digital Market Act and competition policy on the table
Subject: Dawn Raids of the Hellenic Competition Commission in the sectors of supply and retail trade of supermarket products, in particular in the markets for cereals, milk, coffee, jam, beverages and cheese
Subject: 5th International Conference on Competition Law & Policy entitled “With Challenge comes Change”
Subject: Sector Inquiry into E-commerce
Subject: Antitrust: the meeting of the European Competition Authorities begins in Rome 
Subject: Dawn Raids of the Hellenic Competition Commission in the sectors of import/manufacturing, wholesale and retail trade of school bags, kids’ lunch bags and pencil cases
Subject: Dawn Raids of the Hellenic Competition Commission in the sectors of supply and retail trade of supermarket products, in particular in the markets for cereals, milk, coffee, jam, beverages and cheese
Subject: Unannounced inspections of the Hellenic Competition Commission in the IT systems market
Subject: Clearance of the proposed change in the quality of control from sole to joint, by the Motor Oil Renewable Energy Single Member SA  and Gek Terna Group of companies, of company Thermoilektriki Komotinis Single Member S.A.
Subject: HCC Decision 742/2021 on the ex-officio investigation in the market of supply, and leasing of chemical toilets, in relation to infringements of article 1 of Greek Competition Act 3959/2011 and article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning of…
Subject: Clearance of the proposed acquisition by VENETIKO HOLDINGS of sole control over DODONI S.A. Agricultural Dairy Industry of Epirus
Subject: Sector Inquiry by the Hellenic Competition Commission in the Waste Management and Recycling Sectors in specific categories of waste – Launch of Public Consultation.
Subject: E-commerce sector inquiry – Publication of Interim Report and Launch of public consultation
Subject: Press Release – Newsletter May-June 2021
Subject: Statement of objections following an ex officio investigation in the market of construction of marble monuments in Α΄ and B΄ cemeteries in Mytilene (Greece), concerning alleged infringements of Articles 1 of Law 3959/2011 and 101 TFEU
Subject: Public version of the decision concerning the clearance by the HCC of the concentration ALPHA/ STAR/ GREEN PIXEL
Subject: Clearance of the proposed change in the quality of control from sole to joint, by the Public Power Corporation Renewables S.A. and Geoenergy Aegean Single Member S.A., of company Geothermal Target TWO II Single Member S.A.


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