Displaying items by tag: DODONI SA

Thursday, 05 August 2021

Decision 743/2021

Clearance of the proposed transaction, pursuant to Art. 6(1-3) of L. 3959/20211, consisting in the change of control over DODONI S.A. Agricultural Dairy Industry of Epirus and its subsidiaries, from sole control by SI FOODS LIMITED to joint control by SI FOODS LIMITED and VENETIKO HOLDINGS, which is indirectly controlled by CVC Capital Partners SICAV-FIS S.A, through the acquisition by these companies of joint control over SI FOODS HOLDINGS LIMITED to which the latter will bring its total holding in DODONI S.A.

Published in 2021

Subject: Clearance of the proposed acquisition by VENETIKO HOLDINGS of sole control over DODONI S.A. Agricultural Dairy Industry of Epirus

Published in Press Releases


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