Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Decision 776/2022

Decision on the notification of concentration under ref. no 2127/4.3.2022, pursuant to article 6 (1-3) of L. 3959/2011, as in force, concerning the acquisition of sole and joint _where applicable_ control, by “DIAMANTIS MASOUTIS S.A. – SUPERMARKETS” over “SYN.KA CRETE”’s (SYN.KA’s) operations in the wholesale and retail supply of consumer (supermarket) goods, consisting, inter alia, in the acquisition of retail and wholesale stores of consumer (supermarket) goods, holdings in undertakings, contractual relationships, real estate and other assets.

Decision 776/2022

File (PDF)  Decision 776/2022
Date of Issuance of Decision May 10th, 2022
Issue Number of Government Gazette 2042/ Β΄/31.03.2023
Relevant Market

Retail market for consumer (supermarket) goods (distribution market), supply market, wholesale market for supermarket goods, TV information media market and radio non-information media market.

Subject of the Decision


Legal Framework

Phase Ι (Article 8 (3) L. 3959/2011)

Operative part of the Decision


Acquiring company(ies)


Target company(ies) SYN.KA CRETE
Summary of Decision

By its Decision no. 776/2022, adopted on Tuesday, May 10th, 2022, the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC), in plenary, unanimously approved, pursuant to Art. 8(3) of Greek Law 3959/2011, the proposed transaction notified on 4/3/2022, concerning the acquisition by MASOUTIS of sole and joint control, as applicable, over SYN.KA CRETE’s operations in the wholesale and retail supply of consumer (supermarket) goods, consisting, inter alia, in the acquisition of retail and wholesale stores of consumer (supermarket) goods, holdings in undertakings, contractual relationships, real estate and other assets. In addition, MASOUTIS will acquire joint control with SYN.KA CRETE over two local radio and television stations in Crete.

In the above decision, the HCC held that the proposed concentration, which concerns the retail market for consumer (supermarket) goods, the supply market, the wholesale market for consumer (supermarket) goods, the TV information media market and the radio non-information media market, does not raise any serious concerns as to its compatibility with competition rules in the individual markets concerned thereby.

Judicial Means Final decision. No appeal.
Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens (Administrative Division) -

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