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Monday, 27 September 2021 21:42



The challenges arising in a modern globalised economy necessitate cooperation and information sharing between competition authorities in order to ensure that competition law is fully effective and maintain a competitive level playing field in terms of competition.

Acknowledging the importance of the HCC’s presence in an evolving international landscape and the need to underline its role in the wider geographic area, a special Directorate of International Relations and Communications was established within the HCC to enhance the Authority’s outreach and successfully promote strategic cooperation with the European Commission, the National Competition Authorities and the international organisations as well as other states’ institutions.

It is worth noting the HCC’s active participation, over the last two years, by taking initiatives in major international competition fora, including the International Competition Network (ICN) and the OECD Competition Division (the President of the HCC was elected as a regular member to the 2021 Bureau of the OECD Competition Committee; it is the first time that a Greek official is elected to this office) and major European competition fora, such as the European Competition Network (ECN). Furthermore, the HCC has recently proceeded with a strategic plan to strengthen its international presence and influence in shaping competition policies, both in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Balkans as well as at European level and internationally.

With a view to providing complete information to the public (citizens and undertakings) on international issues, a new dedicated webpage has been created, containing detailed information regarding the HCC’s initiatives and actions, legislative developments as well as the shaping of competition policies at European and international level.