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Monday, 12 July 2021 11:04

Press Release - Sector Inquiry into Health Services - Launch of public consultation

Subject: Sector inquiry by the Hellenic Competition Commission into the sector for the Provision of Private Health Services and related Insurance Services

The Hellenic Competition Commission (“HCC”), taking into account the rearrangements taking place in the private health services sector in the last five years as well as the restructuring of the regulatory framework for the provision of related insurance services, has initiated by decision of 5.7.2021 a sector inquiry into the provision of private health services and related insurance services, exercising the respective powers conferred on it pursuant to Article 40 of Law 3959/2011.

For a more detailed overview of the feasibility and objective of this sector inquiry click here.

In the context of Phase I of the sector inquiry, we announce the launch of a public consultation and kindly invite all interested parties to express their views and comment on the competitive conditions in the wider health and insurance services sector. The stakeholders concerned may contribute to the public consultation by participating in the relevant teleconference to be held by the HCC in September 2021, and/or by submitting their views in writing, in the form of a memo.

For more details on the scope and objectives of the private health services and related insurance servicessector inquiry, please visit the HCC’s webpage dedicated to the sector inquiry, where you can also find specific information regarding your participation in the aforementioned public consultation.

Moreover, via the “private health services and insurance services sector inquiry” dedicated website, companies, citizens and institutions may:

For any issues related to the sector inquiry, please contact the HCC by email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. giving your name, capacity and contact telephone number.

Media representatives may also contact the Office of the President, Vice-President and Commissioner-Rapporteurs by phone at (+30) 210 – 8809202.