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Thursday, 09 July 2020 19:49

Press release: HCC sector inquiry into basic consumer goods (supermarkets): public consultation and teleconference

Subject: Teleconference/Public consultation in the context of the HCC sector inquiryinto basic consumer goods (supermarkets)

The Hellenic Competition Commission (‘HCC’) in the context of its sector inquiry into basic consumer goods (supermarkets) has successfully completed its teleconference/public consultation with various stakeholders on Friday, 3 July 2020. The teleconference followed the written submissions by the companies and institutions concerned, and served as an interactive forum for exchanging views on the competitive conditions prevailing in the specific sector.The teleconference, held via a private live streaming studio in FULLHD, is part of the broader reform of the HCC’s digital communication. In enhancing HCC’s digital communication, the authority hopes to ensure a more direct contact with businesses as well as consumers and citizens for the benefit of Greece’seconomic growth.

The teleconference was attended, through the HCC's platform, by many stakeholders including undertakings, associations of undertakings and traders, lawyers and economists, as well as academics, social partners and consumer organisations.

During the event, a representativeof the Government, prominent academics and market representatives presented on a wide range of current legal and economic competition issues. In particular, the teleconference covered four key topics, namely: a) the context of the sector inquiry: level of competition and existing problems , b) bargaining power and buying alliances c) practices: private label, category management, discounts, digital ecosystems and d) suggested solutions: mediatorand Code of Ethics.

Participants had the opportunity to communicate in real time with the representatives of the HCC and the speakers, to raise questions and express their views on issues of their interest.

A teleconference video overview is uploaded at and