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Monday, 23 March 2020 22:56

Press Release - Teleworking and readjustment of opening hours

Subject: Teleworking and readjustment of opening hours for the public

Following the Prime Minister's nationwide address of 22 March 2020 on restricting the unnecessary transport and movement of citizens throughout the country due to the need to stem the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus, the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) announces the readjustment of its opening hours for the protection of public health and in line with the instructions of the competent authorities in the field.

In this context, the HCC informs the public that, due to the urgency to curb the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus and the general curfew imposed, (from Monday, 23/03/2020 to Monday, 06/04/2020, 18:00 pm, with a few exceptions not including access to public services), adopted a decision that will be published in the Official Gazette, with effect from Tuesday, 24/03/2020 to Thursday, 30/04/2020, stating as follows:

  1. The HCC will work with only essential staffing.

  2. Submission of documents by physical presence or post will no longer be possible. During the above period and until further notice, undertakings and citizens dealing with the Commission are required to use only the following e-mail addresses with regard to their cases.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  for the submission of documents to the HCC
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for prior notifications of concentrations 
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for lodging complaints
    or via the specific form at for submitting general inquiries or requests for information.
    Interested parties will be notified by email of the protocol number assigned to their document.
    The interested parties will be informed in due course about the delivery process of the respective hard copies.
    For immediate information, interested parties are invited to visit our official website, where they can submit general inquiries or requests for information through

  3. The Directorate-General can be contacted either by e-mail (see staff email addresses), or at the following telephone numbers:
    Directorate - General for Competition
    Protocol: 210-8809139 or 210-8809331
    Administrative and Financial Directorate: 210-8809209
    Economics Directorate A’: 210-8809236
    Economics Directorate B’: 210-8809217
    Legal Services Directorate: 210 – 8809248

    Office of the President, Vice-President and Rapporteurs: 210-8809202
    Secretariat for the Commission: 210-8809215 or 210-8809212 (for hearings organisation and plenary matters).

  4. Most HCC staff will work remotely insofar as this is feasible, especially during the period of exceptional measures and restrictions aiming at curbing the spread of coronavirus. The HCC has been one of the first public authorities to install specific teleworking and high-efficiency teleconferencing software already 3 months ago, taking full advantage of the opportunities provided by the digital age. Our purpose is the dramatic crisis we are going through as a nation to lead to a speedier completion of the HCC’s digital evolution programme launched in September 2019, which unfortunately started from scratch, so that HCC can set an example for the wider public sector. In that way, apart from protecting its personnel’s health, it is ensured that the HCC will seamlessly continue its mission to safeguard the public interest objectives it performs and serves.

  5. Legally binding deadlines continue to apply to the Authority’s work and it will continue to exercise its functions, examine the cases brought before it (including mergers) and make decisions - through the swift adaptation of its staff to remote working. At the same time, it will continue to check timelines, providing, where permissible, extension of deadlines. Any modifications will be notified to interested parties and will be posted on the HCC website.

  6. The Commission’s Plenary will hold meetings and conferences as scheduled via a teleconference platform after user authentication.

  7. All work requiring team support from HCC officials will be conducted by video conferencing or by telephone. The HCC staff can make decisions and participate in meetings while working remotely, including parties dealing with the HCC.

  8. The HCC, in full awareness of its responsibility, will continue to exercise its enforcement powers by conducting investigation measures (including on-site inspections) wherever and whenever necessary, to safeguard public interest and effective competition. Teleworking staff will be able to participate in such investigation measures, where necessary, as provided for in the specific protocol established by the President of the Competition Commission.

The HCC will come back with subsequent communications in that respect if circumstances so require.