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Thursday, 05 March 2020 12:38

Press Release - Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) imposes a fine on COCA COLA TRIA EPSILON

Subject: The Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) imposes a fine on COCA COLA TRIA EPSILON for obstructing an on-site inspection in the context of an investigation by the HCC in the non-alcoholic beverage market

By its Decision No. 688/2019, adopted on 24.07.2019, the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC), following the relevant Statement of Objections concerning an infringement of Article 39(5) of Law 3959/2011 by the company COCA COLA TRIA EPSILON INDUSTRIAL & COMMERCIAL S.A (COCA COLA) and certain natural persons, consisting in the obstruction of an on-site inspection carried out in the company’s premises by the HCC’s Directorate-General for Competition, unanimously found that:

1. COCA COLA and certain of its employees (natural persons) actively violated Article 39(5) of Law 3959/2011 by moving and deleting messages from the e-mail accounts of persons who were employees of the company at the time, during the on-site inspection conducted by the Directorate-General’s officials at the company’s branch in Rhodes.

In the light of all the evidence of the case-file, as well as of the proposals for active cooperation put forward both by COCA COLA and by the above individuals, the HCC decided as follows:

2. Imposed a fine totaling € 800,000 on COCA COLA, pursuant to Article 39(5) of Law 3959/2011.

3. Did not impose a fine on the aforementioned natural persons.