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Friday, 06 March 2020 11:43

Press Release - Clearance of the VENILIA INVESTMENTS/ D MARINAS concentration

Subject: Clearance by the Hellenic Competition Commission of the concentration concerning the acquisition of 99% of the shares in D MARINAS HELLAS SA by VENILIA INVESTMENTS S.A.R.L. and, consequently, the acquisition of sole control by the latter over the former.

On 5/3/2020, by its unanimous Decision No. 705/2020, the Chamber of the Hellenic Competition Commission approved, pursuant to Art. 8(3) of Greek Law 3959/2011, the proposed transaction notified to it on 13/1/2020, which concerns the acquisition of 99% of the shares in D MARINAS HELLAS SA by VENILIA INVESTMENTS S.A.R.L. and, consequently, the acquisition of sole control by the latter over the former.

Pursuant to the above decision, the Hellenic Competition Commission found that the proposed concentration, which concerns the market for the supply of port services by marinas to yachts and their users in the Greek territory, while falling within the scope of Art. 6(1) of Greek Law 3959/2011, does not raise any serious doubts as to its compatibility with the competition rules in the relevant market involved.