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Friday, 13 December 2019 11:30

Press Release - HCC Point System

Subject: Decision of the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) on the determination and quantification of the criteria for priority setting upon the basis of a point system, replacing the previous relevant decisions of the HCC on this matter.

The HCC in its Plenary Session (extended composition) decided (by its Decision No. 696/2019 of 21.11.201) pursuant to Article 14(2)(xiv)(aa) and 14(2)(xv) of Greek Law 3959/2011, as currently in force, the determination and quantification of the criteria for case prioritisation and the setting of its strategic priorities upon the basis of a point system, following a public consultation, replacing the previous relevant decisions of the HCC on this matter (Decisions No. 525/VI/2011 and 616/2015 respectively).

The main objective of the updated point system is to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the HCC’s operation in light of the protection of the public interest. Upon this basis, the HCC puts forward a new methodology for measuring efficiency (based on a cost-benefit analysis) as a basis for shaping its case prioritisation system. With the new point system, high-efficiency cases are prioritised and investigated, i.e. cases that maximise the possible benefits and minimise at the same time the costs for such action.

The fundamental change between the previous and the current point system is the methodology for case prioritisation. Under the previous system, the final score for each case was established on the basis of a sum of points gathered based on a set of criteria, while under the updated system, the score results from measuring the impact of an alleged anti-competitive practice while taking into account the efficiency in terms of time, cost and human resources. In addition, a key change under the new system is the taking into account an additional factor (the so-called "impending expiration factor") in order to promote cases where the alleged infringement is close to being time-barred.