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Thursday, 16 March 2023 12:46

Press Release – Approval of the partial acquisition of sole control by NESTLÉ HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. overISO-PLUS NUTRITIONALSUPPLEMENTS S.A.

Subject: Approval of the partial acquisition by NESTLÉ HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. over the company under the name ISO-PLUS S.A, concerningthe distribution of Solgar products, pursuant to Article 5(2) of Law 3959/2011.

The Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC, in Chamber, unanimously approved (byits Decision no 814/2023) the notified concentration concerning the partial acquisition  of sole control by NESTLÉ HELLAS SINGLE MEMBER S.A. over ISO-PLUS NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS S.A, regarding the distribution of Solgar products, according to Article 8(2) of Law 3959/11.

The relevant markets concerned by the above transaction are the markets for the supply and distribution of (non-prescription) nutritional supplements (Vitamins, Minerals & Supplements or VMS) such as vitamins and supplements, multivitamins, minerals, herbs and plant extracts, etc. at national level. The transaction does not result in any horizontally or vertically affected markets, as in horizontally connected markets and sub-markets the parties’ combined market share does not exceed the 15% threshold, while in vertically connected markets and sub-markets the parties’combined market share does not exceed 25 %.

The Hellenic Competition Commission unanimously approved, pursuant to Art. 8(3)of Greek Law 3959/2011, the notified concentration as, although falling within the scope of article 6(1) of the Greek Competition Act, it does not raise serious concerns as to its compatibility with competition rules in the individual markets concerned.