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Wednesday, 26 October 2022 12:27

Press Release - Public Consultation on the guidelines on the implementation of Article 1Α of Law 3959/2011

Subject The Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC), in the context of its actions to promote and enhance competition and having considered the provisions of article 1A of Law 3959/2011, as amended by Law 4886/2022 and in force, has decided to launch a public consultation on the following draft guidelines. 

The purpose of the public consultation is to enable the HCC to obtain input from market participants and undertakings for possible improvements to the text of the guidelines.

Participants are requested to include in their submissions the name and full contact details of the body/enterprise/natural person (email and postal address, telephone number), as well as the market sector in which they operate, where applicable.

For reasons of efficient management of the data, it is advisable to the participants to submit input electronically to the following e-mail address of the Hellenic Competition Commission This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  with the indication "Public Consultation - Article 1A of Law 3959/2011". 

The closing date for submissions is Monday 14 November 2022. 

The document subject to public consultation is available here.