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Friday, 22 October 2021 12:25

Press Release - Video “panorama” of the main activities of the HCC during the last two years

Subject: Video “panorama” of the main activities of the HCC during the last two years

The Hellenic Competition Commission  (HCC) posted on its website a “panorama” video of its main activities over the past two years (see here).

We invite you to watch the video to better understand the issues of competition and to explore diagrammatically the activity of the Hellenic Competition Commission regarding its decisions, processes, its new structure, recently implemented international innovative initiatives (sustainable development sandbox, HCC Intelligence Economic Platform) and its interventions in sectors of the economy through the issue of opinions, industry inquiries and regulatory initiatives. In addition, the video exhibits HCC’s extrovert orientation through its international activities (active participation and initiatives at European and international competition fora, development of strategic planning to strengthen its international presence, organization of conferences and seminars, signing of memoranda of cooperation) and the continuous training of its staff in all the modern competition tools.

In the context of an overall outreach endeavor through information campaigns and greater transparency, the Department of Digital Communication & Public Relations, will regularly produce infographics and audiovisual content in order to inform the public about the most important actions of the Hellenic Competition Commission and competition issues in general.