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Tuesday, 13 July 2021 09:28

Press Release -  Public consultation: Proposal for the creation of a sandbox for sustainability and competition

Subject: Public Consultation: Proposal for the creation of a sandbox for sustainable development and competition in the Greek market

The Hellenic Competition Commission (EA) initiated on 12.07.2021 the public consultation process for the proposal to create a sandbox for sustainable development in the Greek market. Sustainable development is nowadays a top public interest goal that governs all areas of social and economic life. Competition policy, which in many ways defends and promotes competitive conditions in the economy, must be adapted to the creation of solutions that also promote sustainable development, in order to act in a complementary way to other public initiatives in this direction, but also to facilitate business initiatives aimed at the green transformation of the economy.

The sandbox is a supervised environment where businesses can take initiatives that contribute significantly to the goals of sustainable development without significantly hindering competition. In this context, the impact of the business proposals on both competition and sustainable development will be assessed by the HCC with the aim to strengthen legal certainty for undertakings and reduce the regulatory risk for investments in line with the broader public interest objectives for sustainable development. Once the evaluation criteria are met, the HCC will be able to acknowledge that the specific business plans/models do not raise competition concerns through a new and fast process of submission and evaluation of these commercial transactions and through careful monitoring of their implementation.

The full text of the public consultation as well as more contact information can be found here.

The public consultation will last until 20-8-2021. Interested parties are invited to submit their comments in writing and by name electronically (in editable format) to the following address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..