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Monday, 01 March 2021 12:29

Press Release - HCC sector inquiry on fintech

Subject: On line questionnaire in the context of HCC sector inquiry on fintech 

In the context of the HCC’s sector inquiry on fintech and following the teleconference that took place on October 30th 2020, the HCC has sent an on line questionnaire to companies active in the Fintech sector in Greece. The questionnaire is addressed to all traditional providers of fintech services (e.g. banks), and a significant number of startups and tech companies active in the provision of: 

  • Banking services 
  • Payment services 
  • Loans, microlending, P2P lending, crowdfunding, buy now-pay later,
  • Issue and provision of cryptocurrencies 
  • Wealth and Asset Management
  • Personal Finance Management 
  • Insurtech 
  • Technology services

The contribution of companies active in the sector or those that are considering entering the Greek market is valuable, in order to map the competitive conditions regarding fintech in Greece and to determine possible competition problems Upon completion of the inquiry the HCC may issue specific remedies and undertake initiatives for improving competition in the broader Fintech sector to the benefit of undertakings and consumers.

The answers will be used exclusively for the purposes of the sector inquiry. The identity of the respondents will be confidential. 

The questionnaire and the analysis of the responses is undertaken by the Directorate General of Competition of the HCC (Directorate IV) in collaboration with the chief advisor Fintech at the HCC, professor Markos Zachariadis, Greensill Chair at Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester & member of the World Economic Forum’s Council on Responsive Financial Systems. 

For any questions, please contact to the email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .