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Friday, 16 October 2020 13:08

Press Release - HCC Digital Services

Subject: HCC Digital Services

The Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) has invested significantly in innovation as well as in its digital upgrading, especially over the past year. In this context, and in view of the need for a digital transformation of the services provided to the public, especially in light of the restrictions posed by the Covid-19 crisis, the HCC website will henceforth provide modernised digital services to businesses, public bodies and citizens.

The HCC Digital Services platform will contribute, inter alia, to the provision of integrated Electronic Transaction Services vis-a-vis the relevant stakeholders that use its services (which include businesses, citizens and professionals) but also vis-a-vis the public bodies with which the HCC deals or cooperates within the scope of its competences. The platform will also help to increase transparency, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the HCC’s work, and improve the speed and quality of its activities and services.

The new HCC Digital Services platform aims at ensuring that, especially during the challenging period of the Covid-19 crisis,  all relevant procedural actions can be carried out by citizens, businesses and other public authorities, without the need for their physical presence and/ or telephone communications. Furthermore, through the platform the above stakeholders may request telemeetings with the HCC staff to discuss matters concerning their cases.

In particular, the HCC Digital services include: 

  • Online submission of request for a telemeeting / teleconference with HCC officials 
  • Online submission of a complaint using the special complaint form.
  • Online notification of a concentration using the special notification form.
  • Online request for derogation from the obligation of undertakings to suspend a concentration. 
  • Online submission of a commitments proposal.
  • Online application for leave to intervene as a third party on a case pending before the HCC.
  • Online submission (from public bodies) of a request/question for an opinion on matters relating to free competition.
  • Possibility to request online information on the payment of the contributory duty of one-thousandth (0.001) provided for in Article 17 of Law 3959/2011 and submission of a reimbursement request. 
  • Online submission of questions of general nature.

For further details, please refer to the brief User Guide of the HCC Digital Services platform or watch the short video prepared by the HCC team.