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Wednesday, 19 April 2023 13:07

Decision 816/2023

Decision on the ex officio investigation into the market for children's toys, excluding those related to the use of computers and computer systems, regarding possible anti-competitive practices in the context of vertical agreements, pursuant to Article 1 of L. 3959/2011 and 101 TFEU, following the Settlement Proposal submitted by the company under the name GIOCHI PREZIOSI HELLAS S.A.

Decision 816/2023

File (PDF) Decision 816/2023
Date of Issuance of Decision April 19th, 2023
Issue Number of Government Gazette
Relevant Market

The market for children's toys, except for those related to the use of computers and computer systems.

Subject of the Decision Decision on the ex officio investigation into the market for children's toys, excluding those related to the use of computers and computer systems, regarding possible anti-competitive practices in the context of vertical agreements, pursuant to Article 1 of L. 3959/2011 and 101 TFEU, following the Settlement Proposal submitted by the company under the name GIOCHI PREZIOSI HELLAS S.A. and according to the Statement of Objections under ref. no 2562/28.3.2023 by the Commissioner-Rapporteur I. Stefatos and pursuant to HCC Decision no. 790/2022 and Article 29A of Law 3959/2011.
Legal Framework

Articles 1, 29A of L. 3959/2011, 101 TFEU

Operative part of the Decision

By virtue of para. 35 of its Decision no. 790/2022 and Article 29A of Law 3959/2011, the Hellenic Competition Commission, in Plenary session:

Accepts the Settlement Proposal submitted by the company under the name GIOCHI PREZIOSI HELLAS S.A. in the context of the simplified Settlement Procedure referred to above.

Finds that the company under the name GIOCHI PREZIOSI HELLAS S.A. infringed Articles 1 of Law 3959/2011 and 101 TFEU by participating in a prohibited vertical agreement through the practices outlined in the above grounds, in the context of the Settlement Procedure.

Orders the above company to cease, if it has not already done so, and to refrain in the future from the practice of resale price maintenance, as a single and continuous infringement, of articles 1 of Law 3959/2011 and 101 of the TFEU.

Imposes a fine of 628,450 euros for the infringement of Articles 1 of Law 3959/2011 and 101 TFEU found.

Company(ies) concerned “GIOCHI PREZIOSI HELLAS S.A.”
Summary of Decision

According to the grounds of the Decision, the evidence available shows that GIOCHI PREZIOSI HELLAS S.A. adopted a single and continuous ̲, in terms of scope, targeting and temporal sequence (and due to the seasonal nature of the product) ̲  practice of resale price maintenance (RPM), in the context of a vertical agreement, in breach of Articles 1 (1)  of Law 3959/2011 and 101 (1) TFEU, which lasted from 28.12.2017 to 8.10.2021. Resale price maintenance is, by its very nature, a restriction of competition and is considered by its nature to be capable of having an impact on the relevant market, as it softens competition between resellers by eliminating intra-brand price competition, while acting as a disincentive to reduce selling prices for the specific product. Based on the nature and content of the evidence in the case, it can be concluded that resale price maintenance was implemented in practice.

Judicial Means -
Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens (Administrative Division) -
See Press Release HERE