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Friday, 11 November 2011 00:00

Decision 530/2011

Decision on an ex-officio investigation of the Directorate-General for Competition, alleging an infringement of article 4e par. 1 of former L.703/1977 for the early implementation of a concentration, regarding the acquisition of control over the company “MEDIA DEVELOPMENT S.A.” by the company “Neo Thema Publishing S.A”, for which decision no. 503/VI/2010 of the HCC has been issued.

Decision 530/2011
File (PDF) Decision 530/2011
Date of Issuance of Decision

November 11th, 2011

Government Gazette Issue No
Relevant Market

Mass media

Subject of the Decision

Implementation of a merger before clearance granted

Legal Framework

Article 9 par.1 of L. 3959/2011

Operative part of the Decision

Imposition of a fine for putting into effect a concentration prior to clearance granted 

Acquiring company(ies)

Neo Thema Publishing S.A.

Target company(ies)


Summary of Decision

By its Decision No 530/VΙ/2011, which refers to the ex-officio investigation of the Directorate-General for Competition, alleging an infringement of article 4e par.1 of L. 703/1977, as in force, for the early implementation of a concentration, regarding the acquisition of control over the company “MEDIA DEVELOPMENT S.A.” by the company “Neo Thema Publishing S.A” (for which decision no. 503/VI/2010 of the HCC was issue), the Hellenic Competition Commission imposed a fine totaling  30.000 € to the company “Neo Thema Publishing S.A” for the infringement of early implementation of the concentration, prior to clearance granted by the HCC.

Judicial Means


Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens (Administrative Division)

ACAA 390/2013