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Thursday, 06 October 2011 00:00

Decision 529/2011

Break-down of the fine imposed, under no. 137/II/2000 decision of the Hellenic Competition Commission, after the adoption of no. 3504/2008 referral decision of the Athens Administrative Court of Appeal.

Decision 529/2011
File (PDF) Decision 529/2011
Date of Issuance of Decision

October 6th, 2011

Government Gazette Issue No
Relevant Market

Agricultural seed sector (cotton seed)

Subject of the Decision

Break-down of the fine

Legal Framework

Article 25 of L. 703/1977

Operative part of the Decision

Imposition of a fine


Ex officio investigation

Company(ies) under investigation



Summary of Decision

The Athens Administrative Court of Appeal (17th Three Member Chamber), by its no. 3504/2008 decision, referred back to the Hellenic Competition Commission its decision under no. 137/II/2000, in order to allocate the fine imposed separately for infringements of article 25 of L. 703/1977 (provision of incomplete information and provision of inaccurate information), for each of which a separate fine is imposed.

The Commission, by its new Decision, proceeded to break-down the fine, without summoning the applicant, and having regard to the full case file and the applicable legal framework, decided unanimously to impose a fine, pursuant to article 25 of L. 703/1977, as in force, to the companies “K & N. EFTHIMIADIS S.A.” and “BIOS AGROSYSTEMS S.A.”, as following: 

 To the company under the name “K & N. EFTHIMIADIS S.A.”: a) a fine totaling € 2,054.30 for the provision of incomplete data and with significant delay and b) a fine totaling € 880.41 for the provision of inaccurate and incomplete data.

To the company under the name “BIOS AGROSYSTEMS S.A.”: a) a fine totaling €1.027,15 for the provision of incomplete data and with significant delay and b) a fine totaling €440,21 for the provision of inaccurate and incomplete data.

Judicial Means -
Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens (Administrative Division)
