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Tuesday, 04 November 2014 00:00

Decision 596/2014

Acceptance of the amendment of commitments proposed by DEPA adopted by point 14 of HCC’s decision No. 589/2014,“concerning  the performance guarantee letter”.

Decision 596/2014
File (PDF) Decision 596/2014
Date of Publication of Decision November 4th, 2014
Issue Number of Government Bulletin 326/Β΄/08.02.2019
Relevant Market

Supply of natural gas and the secondary market for access to the natural gas network

Subject of the Decision

Amendment of the commitments

Legal Framework

Article 25 par. 6 of L.3959/2011

Operative part of the Decision

Acceptance of amendments to commitments

Company(ies) concerned


Summary of Decision

The Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC), in plenary, decided unanimously and approved the proposal from DEPA to revise the commitments adopted with earlier HCC’s decision (No. 589/2014), and, in particular, to amend the point 14 "concerning the performance guarantee letter”, as follows:

Regarding the performance guarantee letter 14a. In the context of the quarterly auctions, DEPA undertakes not to require from those of its Customers, who have overdue or settled debts, the submission of a letter of guarantee of good performance, in case the latter have already submitteda letter of guarantee, of at least equal value and validity, according to the provisions of the Contract of Sale of natural gas with DEPA (amendment accepted at the HCC plenary meeting of 17th December 2013).14b. In the context of annual auctions, DEPA is committed not to require from those of its Customers who have overdue or settled debts the submission of a letter of guarantee of good performance of more than 80% of the consumption value of natural gas  of 35 days. For the rest of the successful candidates in the annual auction, DEPA may request the submission of a letter of guarantee of good performance, amounting up to 100% of the consumption value of natural gas of 35 days. The validity of the letters of guarantee provided for in this paragraph shall be until 31 January of the year following the reference year of the annual auction.

As for the rest, earlier HCC’s decisions 551/2012 and 589/2014 shall remain applicable.

Judicial Means -
Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens (Administrative Division) -