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Monday, 20 October 2014 00:00

Decision 594/2014

Decision following prior notification of a concentration, according to article 6 par. 1-3 of L.3959/2011, regarding the acquisition of sole control over the insurancecompany “Agrotiki Asfalistiki SA” by the company “ERGO International Aktiengesellschaftof”.

Decision 594/2014
File (PDF) Decision 594/2014
Date of Publication of Decision October 20th, 2014
Issue Number of Government Bulletin
Relevant Market

Supply of insurance and reinsurance services

Subject of the Decision


Legal Framework

Phase I (Article 8 par. 3 L. 3959/2011)

Operative part of the Decision


Acquiring company(ies)

ERGO International Aktiengesellschaft

Target company

Agrotiki Asfalistiki SA

Summary of Decision

By its Decision No. 594/2014, the Hellenic Competition Commission (HCC) approved the notified concentration regarding the acquisition of all the shares of the insurance company under the name “Agrotiki AsfalistikiSA.”by the company “ERGO International Aktiengesellschaft”.

By its Decision, the Commission considered that the above concentration which refers to the wider market for the provision of insurance services, does not raise serious doubts as to its compatibility with the competition rules in the relevant markets concerned in the broader insurance sector.
Judicial Means Final. No appeal.
Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens (Administrative Division) -