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Monday, 05 December 2016 10:34

Decision 635/2016

Decision on the ex-officio investigation of the General Directorate for Competition, which concerns the compliance of DEPA-Public Gas Corporation S.A. with Decision no. 551 / VII / 2012, as amended and in force. 

Decision 635/2016
File (PDF)  Decision 635/2016
Date of Publication of Decision  November  5th, 2016 
Issue Number of Government Bulletin 


Relevant Market 

Natural Gas

Proceedings  Collusion, Abuse of Dominant position
Legal Framework 

Articles 1, 2 and 25 (2) of the Greek Competition Act 3959/2011


Finding an infringement – Settlement procedure 

Complainant  Ex officio investigation
Respondent  DEPA-Public Gas Corporation S.A. 
Summary of Decision 

The Plenary Session of the Competition Commission decided in an open vote, by a majority the following:

A. The non-compliance of DEPA with Decision no. 551 / VII / 2012 of the Competition Commission regarding the first of the seven commitments.

B. Imposes a fine on DEPA amounting to sixty thousand (60,000) euros for its non-compliance with the above first commitment.

C. Threatens a fine and a penalty payment for DEPA, if the continuation or repetition of the identified violations is confirmed by the Commission.

D. The compliance of DEPA with Decision no. 551 / VII / 2012 of the Competition Commission for the second commitment regarding a)  the introduction of the flexibility factor and b) the introduction of the ESFA entry fee in the new pricing system of DEPA.

E. The compliance of DEPA with Decision no. 551 / VII / 2012 of the Competition Commission on the third, fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh commitments concerning a) the program for the supply of natural gas quantities through electronic tenders b) with the standard contracts for the assignment of DMI and the purchase and sale of natural gas within the LNG tank respectively and c) with the assignment of unused DMI and commitment of capacity from DEPA at the entry points of the ESFA respectively.

Judicial Means  Final. Decision has not been appealed.
Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens(Administrative Division) -