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Wednesday, 18 December 2019 13:17

Decision 697/2019

Examination of specific commitment terms proposed by "DELTA SA" and "MEVGAL SA" so as to address competition concerns according to Decision no. 650/2017 of HCC in the market of fresh cow milk.

Decision 697/2019
File (PDF) Decision 697/2019
Date of Publication of Decision  December 18th, 2019
Issue Number of Government Bulletin Β΄/3902/14.9.2020
Relevant Market Supply of fresh cow milk 
Proceedings Assessment of the effectiveness of commitment terms A.1 – A.1.1  accepted by Decision no. 650/2017 and of the conditions of competition on the fresh cow's milk market. 
Legal Framework  Article 8.4 of the Greek Competition Act 3959/2011

The HCC decided by its decision no 697/2019:

A) The extension of commitment terms A.1 – Α.1.1 as accepted by its Decision no. 650/2017 for one more year, that is, from 21.10.2019 until 20.10.2020. At the end of the year in which these commitment terms are in force, the Competition Commission will assess the effectiveness of them and the conditions of competition on the market. Finally, the Commission will decide either to set aside or extend that commitment for a period of not more than one year.

B) to review "DELTA’s SA" and "MEVGAL’s SA" compliance with the commitments’ decision no. 650/2017.

Companies under examination



Summary of Decision

.Taking into account the results of the investigation in relation to the structure of the fresh cow's milk market and the views of the parties' competitors on that market and of market operators, the Hellenic Competition Commission assessed that the commitment terms A.1 – Α.1.1 have been effective and should be extended for an additional year i.e. from 21.10.2019 to 20.10.2020, in order to further strengthen the negotiating position of dairy farmers vis-à-vis DELTA-MEVGAL. 

Judicial Means -
Decisions by the Court of Appeal of Athens(Administrative Division) -